Keeping Your Why, Close By

Is motivation really an important factor when you are striving for success in your daily life behind the chair? I say ab-so-freaking-lootly. Somewhere, between the people who are grumpy and the people that need to vent, and the people who show up late and the people who want you to take their hair from a copper to that Smokey Ash-blonde (all in one hour, of course).

Let’s just say it’s really, really hard to stay motivated and focused if you don’t know exactly what your motivation really is.

Let’s face it, we have a really hard job as hairdressers and face new challenges on the hour. It’s almost like a war zone... you never know what is going to be walking in the door. So now, and I mean today, sit down and take 15 minutes and really think about what is your ”why”.

It could be your kids, it could be your future kids, your fur baby. It could be because you want to buy a home. It could be because you want to have the freedom to travel. It could be because at some point you want to own your own salon and help other people get further along.

Your "Why" will change over the course of your career but it’s always important to have a pretty clear vision of what your "Why" is because this weekend, this is what’s going to keep you on the straight and narrow towards your goals. And this is what’s gonna keep you kicking ass and going towards your true self every day!

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